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asked questions

What is coinminars.com and what do we do?
We are an asset management company that operates since 2014. We provides an opportunity to trade with trading bots to earn daily. Our team of experts uses their experience and knowledge to invest in a variety of financial products, including short-term and long-term trading, AI-assisted trading, and more.
Do you have an official registration?
coinminars.com is registered in United Kingdom and working to expand worldwide. View Registration License
How to make money on coinminars.com Bot?
There are two ways money can be earned on our platform. The first one is trading with bots. The second method involves mutually beneficial cooperation. You can earn through the referral program which offers 5% commission.
Who can register on the platform?
The platform does not set age and territorial restrictions on user registration. But we strongly recommend you familiarize yourself with the local laws of your country. In many countries investing is only allowed for adults. In case of violation the risks associated with the use of the platform are borne by the client
How to register a trading account?
To register your trading account go through a simple registration by clicking ‘register’. It is important to fill in all the available fields. We recommend using complex passwords and enabling 2FA for additional security.
How well are my account and personal data protected?
coinminars.com is the guarantor of your account privacy and safety of your personal data. We use cutting-edge technology and dedicated servers to keep you up and running and protect your data. We ask you to use a strong password not previously used on other sites in your profile. Strong password includes uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
What is 2FA and how to set it up?
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method of identifying a user in any service that provides effective protection of an account from unauthorized entry. To connect 2FA on your account, click on ‘2FA’ in your personal account, download Google Authenticator on your mobile device, scan the QR code using the camera, enter the received code in the input field and activate protection. "What should you do if you forgot your password and how to restore access to my account? Go to the "Forgot The Password" page, enter the email address you provided during registration. All information for password recovery will be sent to your email.
What payment methods do you accept?
At the moment, various payment methods are available, such as Bitcoin, Tether TRC20, Tron and Ethereum.
Minimum Withdrawal Amount
For your convenience, our platform has set the minimum withdrawal amounts as $1.
How long does withdrawal take?
Withdrawals are processed automatically by your bot. For maximum protection of your account and your funds, requests are processed within 1 to 24 hours.
How does the affiliate program work?
The affiliate program works very simply. You provide a referral link to new users, they register using it, you get 5% commission.
How to become an coinminars.com partner?
To get access to the affiliate program, register and log in to your personal account. Click on the ‘referral’ tab and get your unique referral link.
Is it necessary to make a deposit to become an affiliate?
No, you can get income from new investors without making deposits. It is enough to go through the registration process. If marketing is your primary activity, we do not force anyone to make a deposit. It is enough to understand how our platform works to become our partner.
How many times can referral bonus be received?
The amount of referral money received is unlimited. You will get income every time the user deposits funds and/or opens a new trading plan.
How will I receive my referral commission?
The commission will be credited to your account balance.

24/7 support for platform users

Trust us to get professional support and assistance in achieving your financial goals and resolving any issues on the platform.

Our Team

We are the leading experts in the field of AI trading bots

CEO Derek Palmer

The head of the company. Makes strategic decisions and stands behind the company's development.

CFO Holt Gray

Responsible for the financial performance of the company.

CEO Austin Guzman

Participates in developing trading strategies.

CEO Harhita Saloni

Develops and implements risk management strategies.